Single-Cultivar Sencha Sun Rouge 0.5 LB LIMITED EDITION

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Named after the striking image of reddish leaves and buds reaching skyward toward the sun, this unique cultivar offers a truly special experience. Upon laying your eyes on the dry leaf, you immediately notice a unique black hue. This darker hue comes out in the brewed liquid, giving it a slight hint of purple. However, the true magic happens when you add a dash of acid, such as lemon juice, and witness the stunning transformation into a bright and vibrant pink. 

Notable for its captivating color, Sun Rouge is also Japan's first purple-leaf tea, resulting from a cross between the typical tea species, Camellia sinensis, and Camellia taliensis, a related wild tree native to Yunnan, China. The leaves are packed with anthocyanin, an antioxidant and purple pigment found in foods like blueberries and acai.

Its aroma is a delightful combination of dried fruit marked by strong notes of hay and acai. On the palate, it starts with a tart note, leading to a brisk mouthfeel and a notable astringency. Sun Rouge is best enjoyed cold brewed, or incorporated into cocktails and mocktails to fully appreciate its unique color-changing properties.



2 tsp (5g)  6 oz water 175°F 1-2 min



2 tsp (5g)  6 oz water Ice water 10 min

Single-Cultivar Sencha Sun Rouge 0.5 LB LIMITED EDITION